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We are a leading global publisher of indie and AA video games, founded in 2009.

Devolver provides discoverability to game development studios and curates the highest quality games for distribution platforms. 

Our business model is virtual, scalable, diversified and underpinned by more than 250 years of management experience and a successful back catalogue of some of the best-known indie games on the market.

Investment story

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We are a leading global publisher of indie and AA video games, founded in 2009.

Devolver provides discoverability to game development studios and curates the highest quality games for distribution platforms. 

Our business model is virtual, scalable, diversified and underpinned by more than 250 years of management experience and a successful back catalogue of some of the best-known indie games on the market.

Investment story

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Centred content


Financial calendar - single event widget


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Simple section, Blue bg